Red Light Therapy for Addiction Recovery

Red light therapy (RLT) is a one-of-a-kind therapeutic process that can be used to treat various health conditions and be an asset in your daily wellness routine. In the treatment’s 40+ years of history, it has gained great popularity for the ease of using and with zero significant side effects. People with skin issues, joint pain, etc., can benefit from red light therapy. There are quality red light-emitting devices that can be purchased to be used at home. Contact us for details on purchasing your own red light therapy for your home or office. Or you can choose to visit one of our locations to receive proper red light therapy. Either way, it is an ease-to-undergo treatment process.


When a particular area of the body is exposed to red light, the energy is absorbed by the mitochondria to fuel the mitochondrial function. This light enhances the cellular activity and improves growth at the cellular level. Muscle recovery and damaged tissue repair are achieved very quickly with significant improvement in many body functions. And all this just by exposing the skin to a fixed wavelength of red light.

Is Red Light Therapy Useful In Addiction Recovery?

RLT is the most growing therapy when it comes to inflammation, pain, arthritis, skin problems, and similar issues. However, there has been evidence of RL treatment being super helpful in addiction recovery as well. How? One of the prominent parts of the addiction recovery phase is dealing with the mental stress and withdrawal symptoms from coming off the drugs and alcohol. This leads to other mental health conditions such as dementia, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and clinical depression.

Many therapists and doctors agree that red light therapy can be used to treat these mental illnesses and addiction as a whole. However research is still ongoing and there isn’t much evidence to fully support this claim, as of right now in 2020. But the very few examples of testimonials and research trials that we do have provide a great chance of this therapy being useful in the recovery process. Although, of course, there are people with mental illnesses who shouldn’t use light therapy and need doctors’ supervision to explore this type of treatment modality. For example, people with bipolar disorder have a strong chance of having mania when they are exposed to light during RLT. The stimulation may trigger the manic episode which becomes hard to control. Therefore it's highly advisable to consult with a medical professional before undergoing RLT during your addiction recovery.

How Does It Help in Recovery from Addictions?

The road to recovery from addiction is bumpy and feels a lot worse at the beginning of your journey. While receiving drug and alcohol treatment, there could again be such situations that may cause a relapse. Any past traumatic memory or people may trigger the emotions that can cause addictive behaviors to kick in. With that being said, recovery is a battle between the individual and their mind. The absence of alcohol or drugs may impact the patient’s brain therefore they are prone to developing mental and physical health issues. Addiction therapy can surface emotions that the individual may have never thought about, ever. Also, since you ate trying to get clean and sober, taking medications for mental and behavioral health issues might not be the best approach to follow. Enter RedLight therapy here as a great alternative. This treatment process can reduce the symptoms of depression and other mental health issues, greatly. The reason why it's best suited for people in recovery is that it's natural, non-chemical, and it's a treatment with absolutely no side effects. The RLT sessions are mentally soothing and help the individual overcome negative emotions, making them feel better about themselves and giving them motivation that recovery is possible. Establishing light therapy as part of their routine may help them kick-start their day peacefully, with a fresh mind and perspective on life. Also, a new type of depression treatment is offered through Daytryp. Addiction damages the cells, called mitochondria. Those cells provide a great abundance of energy. Red light therapy may help repair these cells by fueling them with appropriate energy. This energy will cause the cells to function more efficiently and improve the healing process. If you are undergoing drug treatment at a rehab facility in Scottsdale, low-level light therapy can help make your rehab experience a lot better and more effective. During the RLT, endorphins are released in the body, making the individual feel relaxed, calm, and peaceful. The endorphins will also reduce dependence and cravings, and make your withdrawal symptoms dissipate fairly quickly.

According to Affordable Health Care Advisors, a health care company in Scottsdale, that owns their own RLT lights at their facilities, RLT has been a tremendous experience for the clients and they are seeing great results!


Physical Health During Recovery Using RLT

Our physical and mental health are connected and any improvement in either one has a significant positive impact on the body. As the RLT causes the cellular function to speed up and increase, enhancing certain body functions, it will help improve fitness levels, mood, sleeping patterns, reduce stress due to withdrawals, and increase your energy. For the addicts who have abused a substance or alcohol for a long time, their immune system may have weakened considering their longstanding disease of addiction. Less immunity increases your vulnerability to various diseases. Improved cellular function directly impacts your immune system, making it stronger than ever and assisting in your journey in recovery and sobriety. These changes can affect the mental condition of the individual, strengthening their fight against depression, anxiety, and addiction.


Addiction is very common these days. The treatment involved in addiction recovery may not always suit every individual; for many people who've been abusing a substance for a long time, the usual treatment methods to cease your addiction may not work. Everyone's recovery is unique and different. A good treatment program coupled with the positive results of red light therapy has emerged as an important treatment during recovery for addictions. However, it should also be noted that RLT alone cannot be used to solely treat addiction. So, it's very important to include it in parallel to the ongoing treatment or therapy you will be receiving from your drug and alcohol addiction recovery.

Please contact us further if you have any questions or are interested in receiving Red Light Therapy in Scottsdale!


Muscle Performance and Recovery with Red Light Therapy